setup prosody xmpp server over i2p
It is possible to run a fully working prosody server over i2p…
To setup a prosody server over i2p, you will need:
- A server can run i2p
- i2p s2s prosody module
- brian and hand
setup i2p
Here, I choose i2pd, and it will be almost same if you use i2p or i2p+.
Install and run it, i2pd can be installed from source in most gnu/linux distro.
create tunnel conf, write following lines in tunnels.conf
1 | [prosody-s2s] |
If you plan to use messenger local only, remove the s2s section.
If you don’t need http server, remove the httpserver section.
After adding the config, you can restart i2pd to apply the new settings. Then, check the page i2p tunnels
you should see the xxx.b32.i2p address of the prosody,it’s the domain of your prosody server.
setup prosody
Check official document to install it.
The default custom modules path should be plugin_paths = { "/usr/local/lib/prosody/modules" }
in prosody.conf
, where you put the s2s module for i2p.
You need to install lua-bit32 to use the modules. (but it still works without it, I don’t know why….)
You can use the mod_i2p. Just download the .lua file to the custom modules path.
ps: why you should not use the
is not a true i2p address, and the darknet mod can’t process it, which causes that you can’t connect to the other’s Component, and what mod_i2p added is simply a to_address=string.match(to_host,"%w+.%w+.i2p");
to reroute.
Then, edit the /etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua
, replace xxx.b32.i2p with your address.
1 | interfaces = { "" }; |
Then, you can generate the certs.
1 | openssl genrsa -out /etc/prosody/certs/xxx.b32.i2p.key 2048 |
then restart the prosody.
create account and use it
Run this to add an account.
1 | sudo prosodyctl adduser admin@xxx.b32.i2p |
You can use many clients.
connect local
It depends on the client you use, it should provide configure to choose the address of the server. Just set it to the ip of your server.
connect through i2p
in computer
With gajim, you can set the proxy and connect to server directly.
in phone
The conversation-i2p is no longer maintaining, how ever you can still use other clients.
My solution is using the ClashMetaForAndoroid and any i2p mobile client.
here is the rule for clash:
1 | port: 7890 |
then, use any mobile xmpp client to connect the server through i2p.
http only(optional)
The xep tells you that you must use https to upload…, but we don’t have a official ca for i2p… so we need to use http only server.
Prosody provides an http server in 5280, but you can’t directly use it, you should use an reverse proxy for it.
for example, you can configure nginx like this
1 | server{ |
then, you can add an i2p tunnel.